Factors affecting E-Learning service usage in Makerere University: a case study of School of Statistics and Planning
The topic under study was factors affecting e learning service usage in Makerere University: a case study of school of statistics and planning. The study used primary data with a sample size of 81 respondents that was selected using simple random sampling and whose responses were collected using questionnaires as the data collection tools. The main aim of the study was to find out the factors affecting e learning service usage in Makerere university with the investigation of student’s access to computer services, cost of internet, students most preferred source of research information, possession of computer skills, students’ age and students’ gender and their relationship with e learning service usage at school of statistics and planning.
The hypotheses were tested using a non-parametric test called chi-square at the 95% confidence interval. The test of these hypotheses showed that gender of students has a relationship with e learning service usage at school of statistics and planning while cost of internet, students’ most preferred source of research, age of students, possession of computer skills and possession of computer device have no relationship with e learning service usage at school of statistics and planning.
Based on the findings from the study the university should design more gender sensitive programs in the availing and provision of e learning services with major consideration to females as gender was seen to have an influence in e learning service usage. The university and other internet service providers should also find ways of availing cheap internet services to the students to enable them access the internet more easily