Impact of improved maize seed variety use on profitability of smallholder maize farmers in Kamuli district.
Improved maize seed varieties are a great contributing factor in addressing the challenges of low maize yields for most rural households who continue to suffer from low maize productivity as a result of poor technologies used.
The overall aim of this study was to determine the impact of improved maize seed variety use on profitability of smallholder maize farmers in Kamuli district. The study also aimed at characterizing smallholder maize farmers in Kamuli district, assessing the effect of improved maize seed variety use on profitability of smallholder farmers and finding out the constraints in the use of improved maize seed varieties by maize farmers.
Questionnaires were used to collect data from both randomly and purposively selected maize farmers. The data was analyzed using a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The results show that majority of the maize farmers grow improved maize seed varieties as compared to the few who still grow local maize seed varieties. The study also revealed that expensive seed is the major constraint in the use of improved maize seed varieties by smallholder farmers. The study revealed that improved maize seed variety use has no significant impact on the profitability of smallholder farmers and total land under maize production, fertilizers used and the total labour cost have a significant impact on the profitability of smallholder farmers.