Organizational causes of stress among employees of New Vision Uganda
The purpose of the study was to assess the organizational factors that cause stress among the employees. This study employed a descriptive survey research design that largely bases on a quantitative approach that addressed the purpose and objectives of this study in the work environment. Findings showed that there is a significant relationship between occupational stress and role ambiguity since r = .792 and p = .000 (≤ 0.01). That there is a significant relationship between work environment and occupational stress among employees since r = .950 and p = .000 (≤ 0.01). Table 15 presents that since r = .658 and p = .000 (≤ 0.01), the researcher concluded that there is a significant relationship between stress and salary received by the employees. In conclusion, eluviation of occupational stress should a strategy for majority employers because it affects the overall performance of the employees. This could be attained through provision of conducive work environment to the employees i.e., increase of employee autonomy and role specification among others. It was recommended; organizations should ensure good working environment for the employees and ensure that measures to minimize occupational stress are put in place. Measures such as appropriate working hours, quality tools and equipment, relative workloads, leaves and breaks can reduce occupational stress at the same time improve employee performance.