Analysis of the records management practices at world a head secondary school Matugga, Wakiso district
The purpose of this research wa to analyze the Records Management Practices at World ahead Secondary School Matugga. The main objective was to analyze the Records Management Practices and suggest possible solutions to the challenges encountered by the Records Officers and users at World ahead Secondary School Matugga.
The study has the following objective: To find out the types of records generated and managed, to assess the Records Management Practices and to provide possible solutions to improve on the records management practices.
In order to achieve these objectives, the researcher employed a research design and qualitative method of research design. Data was gathered from a sample size of 22 respondents including secretaries, teachers and students. Flowing from the qualitative nature of research strategy questionare, observation and interview guide were use as the sole data collection instrumentsans Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze data.
The major findings of the study revealed that WASS stored it's records in both Manila and electronic forms. This leads to quick design making, saves office space and promotes good corporate governance. It was further indicated that challenges were, lack of records clerks, lack of knowledge and skills on records management and the limited space for the storage of records.
The study conclusions include that WASS should computerize or digitize the records management system in order to eliminate some of the main challenges. Therefore there is hope that this research will be used to consult in case of any amendments to the research program at COSIS and EASLIS