Notions of hard work in the folktales of the Bakiga.
This study focuses on the contemporary society, a generation that needs to be reminded about the importance of hardworking that is seen through oral literature forms like Falktales, fables, proverbs and songs which their ancestors depended upon to educate and teach their children, moulding them into respectable band responsible members of the society.
Falktales are the researcher's focus in the study. Although frequently used in the past generations, the folktales have become fairly extinct in today's society, especially among the youth. Very few youth realise the importance of folktales, much less than what a folktale really is. The dominant attitude towards folktales among the youths is of indefference.
The aim of this study is to discuss the thematic roles in the folktales of the Bakiga. Interviews and liberay research have been used by the researcher to establish the notions of hardwork among Bakiga.
This research was mainly carried out to show the thematic roles Manifested in the selected kiga folktales. These folktales are listed and translated later into English and at the end of each tale we are able to see the themes developed and what they teach the young ones.
The researcher identifies western ideologies and modernization as focuses contributing to the fall of Kiga culture. Western cultural values have been popularized by the contemporary society while African traditional values have been branded old-fashioned. It is of extreme importance that oral literature be revised in order to enhance society's awareness of the notions of hard work that made our ancestors a great people in their days. Recommendations with regard to these concerns have been made and society as a whole has got an important role to play.