Determining the normal hematological indices of healthy goats in Nagojje sub-county Mukono district
Aim: Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to establish normal hematological indices for health goats reared on a farm in Nagojje sub county Mukono district. Materials and
Methods: A total of 92 healthy animals of same breed were selected randomly from one farm
in Mukono. The blood samples were collected from the jugular vein into two tubes for blood hematology analysis. Statistical analysis was applied by using IBM SPSS Statistics 26 software to calculate the minimum and maximum values to determine range, mean, standard deviation of the mean. Results: The results of blood hematology revealed that the mean white blood cells (16.4±4.04 ×103/μL), Eosinophils (9.10±2.18%) and the percentage of neutrophils
in goats (49.70±4.53%) were higher than that the normal reference range. Lower values to lymphocytes (40.70±4.04) were observed in the health goats. Normal values of red blood cells (14.25±0.71 ×106/μL), hemoglobin (9.43±0.51 g/dl), Packed cell volume (28.65±1.50%),
and normal values of mean corpuscular Hemoglobin concentration (32.82±3.5 g/dl) were observed in goats. Slightly high values of total protein (7.27±0.27 g/dl), fibrinogen
(0.41±0.07 g/dl), were found in health goat breeds when compared to normal ranges.
Conclusion: Base on this finding, all the Red blood cell parameters were within the normal reference range discovered by (Feldman, 2002). The White blood cell parameters were fluctuating indicating a moderate leukocytosis with slight neutrophilia and lymphopenia