Now showing items 1-20 of 14116

      360 degrees feedback, engagement and job performance among employees of Kampala Capital City Authority. [1]
      3D estimation of strain and velocity in Bududa district using GNSS [1]
      3D weight tracker app [1]
      Absence of inter-hall sports competitions for the disabled in Makerere University. [1]
      Abundance and distribution of Cyathea manniana in kalinzu central forest reserve, southwestern Uganda. [1]
      Abundance and diversity of soil macro fauna in the different agricultural systems in kamira sub-county Luwero district. [1]
      The abundance of BRUSSONETIA PAPYRIFERA (l.) L'hér ex vent. in Mabira forest central reserve [1]
      Abundance of wild Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) around cages at source of the Nile fish farm: implication for disease transmission between farmed and wild fishes [1]
      Abusive supervision, belief in a just world and deviant workplace behavior : a case of 3rd year nursing students at Mulago School of Nursing and Midwifery [1]
      Abusive Supervision, Belief in a Just World and Organisational Commitment among Staff of Highland Mineral Water [1]
      Abusive Supervision, Counterproductive Work Place Behaviors and Job Performance Among Employees of Uganda National Water and Sewage Corporation-Kampala [1]
      Abusive supervision, job security and employee engagement among supermarket employees at capital shoppers’ supermarkets, Uganda. [1]
      Abusive supervision, occupational stress and emotional exhaustion among employees Of Uganda Registration Service Bureau [1]
      Abusive Supervision, Occupational Stress and Turnover Intentions among Employees of Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA) [1]
      Abusive supervision, occupational stress and workplace deviance among the staff members of Bishop Cipriano Kihangire Senior Secondary School, Bbiina [1]
      Abusive supervision, organizational citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior among employees of Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development [1]
      Abusive supervision, organizational justice and counterproductive work behavior at Butabika National Hospital [1]
      Academic Document Authenticity System (ADAS) [1]
      Academic performance in written English as a second language among learners at lower primary school in a UPE setting [1]
      Academic performance of university students in Uganda: a case study of Makerere University [1]