Now showing items 10355-10374 of 14118

      Morphological and pathogenic characterisation of fungi associated with berry necrosis on robusta coffee in Uganda [1]
      Morphological and yield attributes of seven cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) genotypes [1]
      Morphological and yield traits of elite soybean genotypes in Uganda [1]
      Morphometric characterisation of fruits preferred by chimpanzees in Kibale National Park [1]
      Morphometric characterization of fecal pellets of selected wild herbivores in Lake Mburo National Park [1]
      Morphometric prediction of live weight in neonates and weaned Ankole long horned cattle calves [1]
      Morphometrics and pharyngeal characteristics of farmed and wild Nile tilapia [1]
      Mortuary management ststem. [1]
      Mosques and the Spaces Around Them. Implications to Planning and Design. A Case Study of Wandegeya and Gadaffi Mosques [1]
      Mosquito species abundance and composition in Gweri Sub-County, Soroti District [1]
      A motion detection and instant alert system [1]
      Motivation and employee performance in Governments: A case study of Buyende District Local Government [1]
      Motivation and employee performance: a case study of COBAMS, Makerere University [1]
      Motivation and Job Performance among Employees of Volunteer Efforts for Development Concerns (VEDCO) [1]
      Motivation and job performance of Makerere University Lecturers [1]
      Motivation for vocational education and training choice, a case of Rukungiri municipality [1]
      Motivation into episodic volunteer ships amongst youth in Namayingo district :a case of youthful village Health team in Nambugu Parish. [1]
      Motivation, career stagnation and counterproductive work behavior among academic staff of public universities in Uganda [1]
      Motivation, counterproductive work behavior and job performance among employees of Equity Bank Uganda [1]