Now showing items 13774-13793 of 14096

      Using drawing to create hiv/aids awareness among the students of mstifa [1]
      Using GIS and remote sensing to assess the impact of quarry dust on vegetation, a case study of Tororo Cement Stone Quarry. [1]
      Using GIS and Remote Sensing to Assess Wetland loss in response to Human activities: a case study of Fort Portal Tourism Cuty. [1]
      Using machine learning in bee acoustic analysis to detect presence or absence of a queen bee in a Ugandan bee hive [1]
      Using Machine Learning in Diagnosis and Early Detection of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTs) [1]
      Using non-parametric classifiers to assess the performance of Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 for land cover classification [1]
      Using painting to encourage more art students with disabilities to join Margaret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art (MTSIFA) [1]
      Using recycled cooking oil to manufacture laundry soap [1]
      Using remote sensing and gis for gold exploration, a case study: mubende district [1]
      Using remote sensing and GIS techniques for agricultural drought assessment: A case study of Isingiro District [1]
      Using remote sensing and GIS techniques in Iron Ore exploration in Rubanda district. [1]
      Using Remote Sensing and GIS to Assess Forest Degradation Susceptability-Case Study of Mabira Forest [1]
      Using Satellite Based Remote Sensing in Copper Ore Exploration, A case study of Kasese District [1]
      Using satellite remote sensing to estimate the distribution of pm10: a case study of Kampala City, Uganda. [1]
      Using the Sid data to detect Ionospheric disturbances. [1]
      USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) student information management system [1]
      Utilisation of Energy efficient Electric Cooking appliances in small and medium Enterprises. [1]
      Utilisation of fusel oils to produce isoamyl acetate [1]
      Utilisation of health services at Makerere University Hospital by students of Makerere University Kampala – Uganda [1]
      Utilisation of internet marketing and performance of small and medium enterprises in Uganda [1]