Now showing items 6655-6674 of 14096

      Exploration of the learning experiences of the beneficiaries of youth livelihood program in kasokoko, Buligo parish, Iganga Municipality [1]
      An exploration of the place and value of Euphemism art in the Artistry of folksongs : a case study of selected folksongs of the Baganda. [1]
      An exploration of the place and value of Litrary devices in the use of proverbs: a case study of selected Acholi proverbs [1]
      An exploration of the significance of figures of speech as an intergral part of folktales: a study of the issues of child upbringing in the folktales of the Lango [1]
      An exploration of the significance of imagery in the use of proverbs: a study of selected proverbs of the Lango [1]
      An exploration of the significance of the use of proverbs: a case study of selected proverbs of moral instruction of the Samia [1]
      An exploration of the theme of communalism in proverbs : a case study of selected proverbs in Acholi. [1]
      An exploration on the use parallelism in selected Lango proverbs. [1]
      An exploratory study of enabling factors for positive living among women living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda [1]
      An exploratory study of the views about adolescent pregnancy by secondary school students. A case study of St. Mary’s High School Mukoko Kalungu District. [1]
      Exploring adult learners' perceptions of integrating mobile phones as a method of English language instruction at the Makerere University Andragogy Lab [1]
      Exploring diagnostic application of cross-reactivity between Leptospira Serovars as used in standard microscopic agglutination test for Leptospirosis [1]
      Exploring diagnostic application of cross-reactivity between Leptospira serovars as used in standard microscopic agglutination test for leptospirosis [1]
      Exploring experiences and self efficacy of midwives in screening and managing gender based violence in pregnant women: A qualitative study in Antenatal Clinic of Mulago hospital. [1]
      Exploring factors favoring male partner involvement in reproductive health: a qualitative study in different divisions of Uganda. [1]
      Exploring factors influencing information security and protection behavior on social networks: a case study of Makerere University students [1]
      Exploring factors influencing job performance among employees in a selected organization [1]
      Exploring knowledge, attitude and practice of farmers at the edge of Budongo forest on agrochemicals usage [1]
      Exploring Larvicidal potential of citrus limon peel extracts as alternative control agent for Aedes aegypti [1]
      Exploring larvicidal potential of citrus limon peel extracts as alternative control agent for aedes aegypti. [1]