Now showing items 9862-9881 of 14103

      Legal work automation tool [1]
      Legume based intercropping and its effect on selected soil macrofaunal populations and maize yield [1]
      Leren conversational AI Chatbot [1]
      Les avantages et les limites du soutien psychosocial intensif en matilere d'observance pour les personnes vivant avec vih/sida. Etude de cas: L;organisation de soutien au sida dans la clinique artistique de kanyanya. [1]
      Level of adequacy of sanitation facilities in secondary schools in Katosi and Ntenjeru town councils [1]
      The level of adoption of agroforestry in Mafubira Sub-County Jinja District [1]
      Level Of Awareness And Adherence Towards Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) In Secondary Schools And Surrounding Communities In Gayaza Town [1]
      Level of awareness and adherence towards severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in secondary schools and surrounding communities in Mityana District [1]
      Level of awareness of Hepatitis B among teacher trainees at Makerere University [1]
      Level of awareness on obesity, its causes and preventive practices among Makerere University lecturers, Kampala [1]
      Level of climate change awareness among youths in Mityana District [1]
      The level of HIV general and HIV comprehensive knowledge among university students [1]
      Level of infestation and yield of different varieties of white cabbage to field pest attack [1]
      The level of influence of imported interior designs in Uganda. [1]
      Level of local community participation in collaborative forest management in Mabira Central Forest Reserve, Buikwe district [1]
      Levels and factors that influence record keeping on selected dairy farms in Kyangyenyi sub county Sheema district western Uganda [1]
      Levels and sources of noise pollution in Kawempe division in Kampala district [1]
      Levels of aflatoxins in non-processed and processed diary products [1]
      Levels of Cadmium in domestic water sources in Bihanga-Buhweju district Southern Western Region [1]
      Levels of lead metal in selected lipstick brands sold in Kampala cosmetic shops [1]