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dc.contributor.authorWabomba, Andrew
dc.identifier.citationWabomba, A. (2018). Tourism attractions, facilities and activities in the Mount Elgon sub region. (Unpublished Undergraduate Dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA research report submitted to the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Tourism of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis Study was carried out to assess the tourism attractions, facilities and activities in the Mount Elgon sub region for tourism development. The objectives were 1) to examine the tourism attractions and associated activities in the Mount Elgon sub region; 2) to document and describe the tourism facilities the mount Elgon sub region; and 3) to examine the challenges faced in promoting the tourism attractions and facilities in the Mount Elgon sub region. Questionnaires "ere used to collect data from 52 respondents including 30 community members while interview guides were used to interview key informants who totaled to 22 members that "ere knowledgeable about the tourism attractions and facilities in the Mount Elgon sub region. The results show that the Mount Elgon sub region has • number of attractions including the landscape. the Imbalu circumcision, wildlife resources, agricultural plantations. Eaves and rocks. water sources, traditional dish (Kamalewa), the national park . forest investments as well as academic institutions which are being utilized for activities like viewing of anima) species. viewing of [he Sipi falls, practicing of the Imbalu circumcision, hiking. bird watching. site viewing, rock climbing, cave exploration as well as plantation agriculture. lot tourism facilities ill the area included transport means. accommodation facilities. education facilities. health facilities. food and beverage shops. telecommunication facilities. trading centers, Sacco projects and Forex bureaus as well as safety and security offices. The challenges that were revealed included lack of awareness, in adequate advertising, land conflicts, language barrier, poor infrastructure, limited marketing, electricity extensions, water supplies, restrictions, low level of investments, landslides and limited government support. It is recommended that UWA should expose the locals about tourism, setting up better facilities. Involving the host communities in tourism planning, and also ensure that roods are set up.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectTourism attractionsen_US
dc.subjectMount Elgonen_US
dc.titleTourism attractions, facilities and activities in the Mount Elgon sub regionen_US

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