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dc.contributor.authorSseruwo, Sulaiman
dc.identifier.citationSseruwo, Sulaiman. (2022). Promoting environmental conservation through visual arts. (Unpublished undergraduate dissertation) Makerere University; Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA research report submitted to the College of Engineering Design and Art in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree Bachelor of Industrial and Fine Arts of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study investigated how visual arts can play a role in promoting environmental conservation through addressing the problem of waste item/material disposal. A case study of Wandegeya trading Centre, Kampala Uganda. The purpose of the study was to find out how visual arts can be used to promote environmental conservation. The study was based on the following objectives; the main objective was to investigate how visual arts can be used as an attempt to solve the problem of waste disposal in Wandegeya trading centre. The other objectives of the study was; documenting some of the artists who have tried to use art to address the challenge of waste disposal , describing the way how waste materials can be used to create visual art pieces in promotion of environmental conservation as well as assessing the effects of improper waste disposal on the environment. In this study the researcher used two designs that is; qualitative and quantitative research designs; with quantitative, as a researcher, in the process of carrying out study I analyzed some results obtained from the area of study (Wandegeya trading center) for example number of people interviewed, percentages and others in form of tables and graphs. Also with qualitative research, the researcher used the research questions and applies reasoning in order to generate the information in form of words from the area of study. The researcher also aimed at getting the ideas, people’s feelings and describing the situation in Wandegeya trading Centre. The target population; the study focused on the people dealing in agricultural products in Wandegeya market, people working in supermarkets, hardware, kiosks and small scale business men and women working in Katanga and kikumi-kikumi. A minimum number of 45 male and female was used to provide information. The data collection techniques used include; questionnaires, survey, interviews, focus group and observation. The findings of the study: The findings of the study indicate that using waste material/ items as a raw material by the visual artists can improve on waste material management in our environment (Wandegeya trading Centre).It was also found out that making of paintings by Visual Artists with images depicting how waste materials can be managed and environmental conservation practices can also reduce on the improper waste disposal. The findings of the research indicate that Through initiating projects by the government which facilitates graphic designers in designing visual images /information which illustrate how waste items/materials can be managed, improper waste disposal can be solved. The findings of the study also indicate that through promoting awareness about the relevance of waste items in industrial and fine art field, improper waste disposal can be reduced. It was found out that there is a need by the government to support the Artists by providing them with funds to carry out the environmental conservation art projects (ECAP). It was also found out that workshops and seminars should be carried out to sensitize the Artists on how to promote the environmental conservation through visual arts can be implemented. The findings of the research indicate that most of the participants opted for waste broken glasses and bottle lids/ caps as a raw material for making art works. The study revealed that all the participants had knowledge on various waste materials which can be used to create art works. The study also revealed that the biggest percentage of the respondents had knowledge on how waste materials can be used to create visual art pieces / art works. The findings of the study show that the biggest percentage did not have knowledge about the artists who tried to use their art to solve the problem of waste disposal. The findings of the study also indicates that there are high chances of causing global warming and soil infertility due to increased rate of improper waste disposal in the environment. Recommendations of the study: As a researcher, I acquiesce that the following are important in order to stop/ reduce on the improper waste disposal in the environment (Wandegeya trading Centre) and promote environmental conservation: Construction of numerous dumping sites in various parts of the environment (wandegeya trading Centre) as this will make it easy for Artists to collect these waste materials and use them as raw materials in making art works. Continuous sensitization of the public through radios , televisions and newspapers about the effects of improper waste disposal which will make every one aware of the dangers of these waste items to the environment. Provision of funds to the artists / graphic designers to make awareness to the public through designing billboards , paintings, sign posts among others which portrays information discouraging people from practicing poor waste management and illustrating the correct way of managing these waste materials. On addition to this, the Artists can also make illustrations which discourage people from practicing other environmental degradation practices such as deforestation, swamp reclamation among others. Installation of dustbins in various areas such as markets, shopping malls, arcades, alongside roads among others for better aggregation of these waste items. Conclusion of the study: In synopsis, basing on the findings of the study, it is revealed that through visual arts, waste items can regain its value and earns money to the Artists as well as the traders / other people in the community. It was also revealed that through using these waste items in creating art works it minimizes on the dangerous landfills in our environment. Therefore, Wandegeya trading Centre authorities should implement rules and regulations to traders on how to reduce on waste items that is, communication and awareness should be regularly done to inform the traders about the proper means of waste management and the relevance of these waste materials in the field of industrial and fine art.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectEnvironmental conservationen_US
dc.subjectVisual artsen_US
dc.titlePromoting environmental conservation through visual arts.en_US

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