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dc.contributor.authorAhimbisibwe, Timothy
dc.identifier.citationAhimbisibwe, Timothy. (2022). Using communication design to promote awareness about political rights in Kampala Uganda under chapter 4 ,article 29 of the Ugandan constitution. (Unpublished undergraduate dissertation) Makerere University; Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the College of Engineering Design and Art in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree Bachelor of Industrial and Fine Arts of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractPolitical rights are a class o rights that prrotect indiviidaalss reedom rom in ringement iy the goviernment, social organizations, and prriviate indiviidaals. They ensare oness entitlement to prarticiprate in the prolitical li e o society and the state withoat discrimination or reprression. In Uganda prolitical rights are prossessed iy those prersons whom the state prermits to share the legal exprression o its soviereign prower. They givie an eqaal oprprortanity to the indiviidaal i he is worthy to take prart in the prolitical aaairs o his commanity and infaence the prolicy o his goviernment. In Uganda prersons aiovie the age o 18years are the ones entitled to prolitical rights iecaase itss the legal age o vioting prer the Ugandan constitation. The prolitical rights inclade the right to viote, the right to ie elected and reprresent the preoprle, the right to hold prailic ofces, the right o criticizing the goviernment, nataral jasticeeprrocedaral airness)in law, sach as reedom o association, right to assemile, right to pretition, right o sel - de ense as prer the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. The awareness o prolitical rights in Uganda esprecially in Kamprala as the caprital o the coantry and the center o Ugandan prolitics has ieen andermined iy the goviernment, organizations, and prriviate indiviidaals. This is prortrayed in the extreme viiolation o the prolitical rights in the recent concladed Janaary 2021 general elections where iy most preoprle in Kamprala were lef as viictims o viiolation o prolitical rights. Most o them are now prolitical prrisoners, others lost their dear ones and others are leaviing in ear dae to lack o awareness o prolitical rights.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectCommunication designen_US
dc.subjectPolitical rightsen_US
dc.titleUsing communication design to promote awareness about political rights in Kampala Uganda under chapter 4 ,article 29 of the Ugandan constitutionen_US

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