Now showing items 256-275 of 1281

      Audio fingerprinting and music recognition system to aid in recognition and verification of local music in Uganda [1]
      An auditing and monitoring platform for a cloud-native environment. A case of Crane Cloud. [1]
      An Augmented Reality mobile Application for improving the online shopping experience [1]
      Auto Ban irrigation system [1]
      Autohygienic [1]
      An automated accession register for Old Kampala Senior Secondary School [1]
      An automated accession register for Rubaga Girls Secondary School Library, Kampala [1]
      An automated accession register for the Ministry of Health library [1]
      An automated accession register for Uganda Martyrs Secondary school Namugongo library [1]
      An automated circulation system for Bishop Cipriano Kihangire Secondary School Library [1]
      An automated circulation system for St. Charles Lwanga International Secondary School, Kakiri, Wakiso. [2]
      Automated citizen inclusive law amendment system [1]
      Automated crime report visualization and secure path prediction [1]
      An automated index of traditional medicines for Eastern districts of Uganda [1]
      Automated IoT Over speeding Vehicle Reporting System [1]
      An automated library circulation system for Mulago School of Nursing and Midwifery [1]
      An automated patient records management system for OPD of Gombe hospital [1]
      An automated patients records index at Medicare Health Professional’s Clinic, Mengo [1]
      Automated poultry monitoring system [1]
      Automated power monitoring and management system [1]