Now showing items 407-426 of 1178

      Effect of light and water gradients on the growth and distribution of Commelina Benghalensis and Commelina Africana on Makerere campus [1]
      Effect of methyl testosterone hormone on water quality in aquaculture fish farms in Uganda [1]
      Effect of modified green landscape on bee pollinators: a case study at Makerere University Main Campus [1]
      Effect of nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilizing microorganisms on azolla biofertilizer and growth performance of amarathus. [1]
      Effect of organic manure on the growth of spinach in the different soil types [1]
      Effect of panel depth on the catchability of gillnets targeting nile perch (lates niloticus) and their by-catch at Katosi landing site [1]
      The effect of plant and animal organic manure on the yield of Amaranthus (white elma) [1]
      Effect of plant attractive scents on grading time of Nile Tilapia juveniles [1]
      Effect of preparation methods on cyanide concentration of selected cassava varieties grown in Uganda at Namulonge. [1]
      Effect of process parameters on the efficiency of the cogeneration system at Kinyara and Bwendero sugar factories [1]
      Effect of processing methods on the polyphenol and antioxidant activity of Zingiber officinale and Hedychium coronarium ginger species. [1]
      Effect of processing on phytochemical levels(lemon grass and african basil) [1]
      Effect of propolis extract addition to wheat bran substrate on the growth performance of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) [1]
      Effect of replacing fish meal with black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens Capello, 1926) meal on growth and nutrient utilization parameters of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758) fingerlings [1]
      The effect of sludge-based fertilizers on the growth performance of kale and the physicochemical property of soil. [1]
      Effect of smoking and frying on crude protein, crude lipids and ash content of farmed African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) [1]
      The effect of sodium hydrogen carbonate treatment on the growth and organic nutrient composition of Azolla [1]
      Effect of storage and handling practices on incidence of the soft rot bacterium, Erwinia carotovora in tomatoes, in Kasubi Market Kampala District [1]
      The effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the consumption of fish. a case study of Kiyindi and Ggaba landing sites. [1]
      The effect of the hanging ratio on the catchability of the gill net on Lake Victoria: a case study of Nile tilapia fishery [1]