Now showing items 655-674 of 1175

      A geological mapping project report of the Albertine graben area, Ntoroko district, Western Uganda [1]
      Geological mapping report of area A, Igayaza, Isingiro Dstrict. [1]
      Geological report for the study trip to semiliki basin in the albertine graben [1]
      Geology and geophysics fieldwork report of the Albertine Graben, Semliki Area, Ntoroko District, Western Uganda [1]
      Geology, geophysics and stratigraphic logging field work report of the Semliki Basin-Ntoroko District, Western Uganda [1]
      Geology, geophysics and stratigraphic logging fieldwork report of the Semliki Basin. Ntoroko District, Western Uganda [1]
      Geomagnetic activity during Solar Cycle-24 Solar proton events [1]
      Geomagnetic activity: A case study of solar protons events [1]
      Geophysics , lithologic units, structures in the basement rock and sediments of Semiliki basin (ALBERTINE GRABEN) [1]
      Geophysics and geology field work report of the albertine graben, semliki area in western Uganda. [2]
      A gis baseline dataset for the monitoring of plant invasive species around Kazinga channel in queen Elizabeth national park, Uganda. [1]
      Gis-based evaluation of locational suitability of existing fish ponds in Kyenjojo district – Bugaaki Sub-county [1]
      Glycerine recovery from saponification products. [1]
      Gonadal development pattern and reproductive capacity for Clarias liocephalus. [1]
      Growth and survival of Nile tilapia fingerlings fed on earthworm meal (Eisenia fetida) as a protein supplement [1]
      Growth of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerlings fed on varying proportions of alfalfa meal and fishmeal [1]
      Growth of black soldier fly larvae maintained on different organic substrates [1]
      growth of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings raised on commercial and farm-made fish feeds [1]
      Growth performance and survival of larval catfish (clarias gariepinus) fed on diets with two local immunostimulants (garlic and cinnamon) [1]
      Growth performance of black soldier fly larvae (hermetia illucens) fed on wheat bran substrate treated with honey bee and stingless bee propolis [1]