Now showing items 1880-1899 of 3013

      The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the use and quality of space at the workplace. A case of selected offices in Kampala. [1]
      Impact of the length of a climbing lane on average travel speed and platooning of vehicles [1]
      The impact of the obsolete technologies on textile production and appreciation at Margaret trowel school of industrial design and fine art [1]
      The impact of the restriction of rent payment in Uganda shillings to the retail property market in Kampala [1]
      Impact of Uganda Museum to the community [1]
      The impact of urban development on urban green spaces. A case study of Tororo municipality. [1]
      The impact of visual medical illustrations government hospitals located in Kampala Central Division. [1]
      Impacts of corona virus on drawing and printmaking learning in Makerere University. [1]
      The impacts of fashion and design on the contemporary society of Uganda. [1]
      Impacts of on-street parking on vehicular circulation in Kampala City, Uganda : a case study of William Street [1]
      The impacts of project complexity on cost estimation in Uganda [1]
      The impacts of storm water floods on communities in informal settlements: a case of Ndeeba (central zone). [1]
      The impacts of urbanization on wetlands; a case study of Bwaise wetland in Kampala [1]
      The impacts of use of technology on art in schools around Kampala Uganda. [1]
      Implementating a 4G LTE mobile communication Network Capable of Logging Mobile Users and Sending them Welcome Messages [1]
      Implementation of a relay aided D2D communication using software defined radios (SDRS) for cellular networks [1]
      Implementation of a tamper proof GIS operated smart prepaid meter [1]
      Implementation of a Tamper proof GIS operated smart prepaid meter. [1]
      Implementation of a voice control and command system using a Luganda keyword spotting system. [1]
      The implementation of building regulations in Uganda; "An analysis of compliance" [1]