Now showing items 221-240 of 487

      The effect of sodium hydrogen carbonate treatment on the growth and organic nutrient composition of Azolla [1]
      The effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the consumption of fish. a case study of Kiyindi and Ggaba landing sites. [1]
      The effect of the hanging ratio on the catchability of the gill net on Lake Victoria: a case study of Nile tilapia fishery [1]
      Effect of UV light on the healing of fractured bones in rats [1]
      Effect of varying phosphorus concentrations on the root growth of phaseolus vulgaris(l) varieties. [1]
      Effect of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) infestation and viral diseases on the starch physicochemical properties of selected cassava varieties grown in Uganda. [1]
      Effect of wood ash and human urine on the growth of cucumber [1]
      The effect of wood ash on the germination and growth of solanum esculentum. [1]
      Effectiveness of Beilschmiedia ugandensis against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli [1]
      Effectiveness of closed fishing season in fisheries management: a case of lake kwania [1]
      Effectiveness of garlic extract in treatment of white spots disease in Nile tilapia [1]
      Effectiveness of Plectranthus cyaneus leaf extracts against streptococcus pyogenes [1]
      Effectiveness of vermicomposting as an approach to solid wate management. [1]
      Effects of anthropogenic activities on the diversity and distribution of macro-invertebrates in Katanga stream [2]
      Effects of anthropogenic activities on the diversity of macroinvertebrates in the Kasokwa stream. [1]
      Effects of Cage fish farming on the diversity of aquatic macro and micro invertebrates in Tende Bay,Lake Victoria. [1]
      The effects of changing water levels on the fishing activities of fishermen along Pakech-jukaal fishing zone in Pakwach district, Uganda [1]
      Effects of household detergents on tomato growth. [1]
      Effects of reduced fish by catch and discards on abundance of Ciconiiformes at selected landing sites along lake albert, Kikuube district, Uganda. [1]
      Effects of sand mining on the fisheries on two landing sites in Lwera wetland, Lake Victoria [1]