Now showing items 419-438 of 487

      Post competition and training recovery knowledge practices among Uganda premier league clubs [1]
      Post-harvest losses along the value chain of Ragogi ( Brycinus nurse) at Dei landing site on Lake Albert, Pakwach District [1]
      Potential of azolla compost on the growth and yield of spinach (Spinacia Oleracea) [1]
      The potential of Azolla Pinata green manure treatment for enhancement of yield and mineral nutrient biofortification of Amaranthus [1]
      The potential of caffeic acid in reducing the rate of milk spoilage by bacillus cereus. [1]
      Potential of indigenous solanacae vegetables as trap crops for managing potato cyst nematodes [1]
      The potential of tithonia diversifolia as a foliar fertilizer for amaranthus cruentus yield and growth enhancement [1]
      Potential of yam (Dioscorea cayenensis) and sweet potatoes (Ipomaea batatas) for in-vitro culture of the banana burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis) [1]
      Preparation and evaluation of shelf stability of ambient yoghurt. [1]
      Preparation of high quality oyster mushroom seed (Pleurotus ostreatus.L) from locally sourced mushrooms [1]
      Preparation of Rhizobium bacterial culture for enhancement of nodulation in Phaseolus Vulgaris l. [1]
      Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of selected pathogenic in lates niloticus sold in Kalerwe market, Kampala district, Uganda [1]
      Prevalence and risk factors of intestinal schistosomiasis among school going pupils age between 6-14 years in Maruba Primary School, Namayingo district. [1]
      Prevalence of Colistin resistance in lactobacillus and streptococcus Thermophilus probiotics: case study of selected four yoghurts on Ugandan market [1]
      The prevalence of eschereria coli in smoked tilapia fish sold on three selected markets of Kampala [1]
      The prevalence of fungi in traditionally smoked Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) at selected markets in Kampala, Uganda. [1]
      Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites among students attending health services at Makerere University hospital. [1]
      Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in Vervet monkeys (Chlorocebue pygerythrus) at Uganda wildlife education center. [1]
      The prevalence of malaria among pregnant women attending antenatal care clinic in Buwenge Health Centre IV, Jinja District [1]
      Prevalence of rift valley fever among ruminant animals in Busia district in Uganda [1]