Now showing items 198-217 of 612

      Effect of basin irrigation system on soil physio-chemical properties under fertilized and unfertilized lowland rice in Tochi irrigation scheme [1]
      Effect of bean Bruchid infestation on selected improved common bean genotypes [1]
      Effect of beeswax on pigment changes and sugar accumulation in tomato fruits [1]
      The effect of Black Coffee Twig Borer infestation on the revenue of smallholder coffee farmers in Mubende district- Kalonga Sub-county. [1]
      Effect of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Compost and NPK Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield Components of Hybrid Maize [1]
      Effect of black soldier fly waste on the growth characteristics and yield performance of MT 56 tomato variety [1]
      Effect of breed and storage temperature on the quality of boar semen [1]
      Effect of brokers on the efficiency of tomato markets in Kampala. [1]
      The effect of calcium foliar fertilization on yield and fruit quality of field grown tomato [1]
      Effect of cold treatment for false codling moth [(Thaumatotobia leucotreta) (Lepidoptera: tortricida)] larvae infesting capsicum [1]
      The effect of collective action on profit efficiency among smallholder coffee farmers in Mateete sub-county in Sembabule district [1]
      Effect of combined naphthalene acetic acid and Indole-3-Butyric acid on the initial root formation on cuttings of selected ornamental plants [1]
      The effect of COVID-19 on the maize subsector in Gomba district, Uganda. [1]
      Effect of different land use types on nutrient distribution across soil depth in the Busega wetland [1]
      Effect of different levels of bio char, cattle manure and npk fertilizer combinations on maize yields in Bbamba-kiteezi wakiso district [1]
      Effect of different levels of biochar, cattle manure and NPK fertilizer combinations on maize yields in Bbamba-Kiteezi Wakiso District [1]
      Effect of different organic wastes on the life cycle of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) [1]
      Effect of different soil texture on the final sweet potato tuber shape (Ipomoea batatas) [1]
      Effect of Eutrophication on the quality of water along the shores of Lake Victoria [1]
      Effect of extensive live pig production system on revenue generated by small holder piggery farmers in Bulindi Parish, Hoima District [1]