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dc.contributor.authorAkatukwatsa, Allan
dc.description.abstractThe impacts of climate change are important factors in understanding how the Water, Environment and Agriculture sectors are vulnerable to these climate variables and how the affected areas adopt to them. The aim of the study was to investigate the vulnerability assessment and cost benefit analysis (CBA) of climate change adaptation in Nakasongola and Isingiro districts. The study was done using already existing literature, meeting district officials, and also using focus discussion groups the data that was acquired from a vulnerability assessment was integrated into a Cost Benefit Analysis to weigh the costs and benefits of proposed adoption options to choose the most practical and affordable options for the farmers to adopt and among these options are; improved maize varieties, cover crops, improved cassava varieties, improved bean varieties, zero grazing livestock production, water harvesting, and low cost drip irrigation system. These options have a cost benefit ratio that is above 1 (one) which makes them economically viable for the farmers to adopt. The results show that a few farmers have adapted to these options majorly because most farmers in these districts are lacking knowledge about them and about climate change itself, others lack finances to invest in these adoption options while others are not willing to adapt to them due to their behavioral and cultural beliefs. This therefore implies that Government of Uganda through the Water, Environment and Agriculture sectors should educate farmers about climate change and its impacts and how to mitigate against it and encourage farmers’ cooperatives and provide finances to the farmers to take up the proposed adaption options.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectClimate changeen_US
dc.subjectAgricultural productionen_US
dc.titleVulnerability assessment and cost benefit analysis of climate change adaptation in Nakasongola and Isingiro Districtsen_US

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