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dc.contributor.authorWokibula, Veronica
dc.descriptionA research project report submitted to the department of plant sciences, microbiology and biotechnology in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of bachelor of science in biotechnology of Makerere universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study was undertaken to investigate the common colifonns in the raw milk in the markets of Kalerwe and Kasubi, characterize them and identify them using molecular techniques (PCR). Fourteen samples (14) comprising of samples from well-built dairy shops and those hawked. These were analysed in triplicates for colifonns using VRBA and the coliforms bacteria were then purified, characterised using gram staining and viewing under a microscope as the biochemical test and identified using Polymerase chain reaction. The mean values of coliforms were 143.2 and 143.0 CFU/ml in dairies of Kasubi and Kalerwe market respectively and 167.7 and 151 CFU/ml hawked milk in the markets of Kasubi and Kalerwe respectively. The most dominant coliforms enumerated from the milk were creamy and translucent, pink, and pink with a dark(black) spot. Raw milk from these markets is highly contaminated which poses a health risk to the public thus necessary measures have Tobe undertaken.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectMolecular techinquesen_US
dc.subjectBacterial contaminationen_US
dc.subjectEnumeration of bacteria
dc.subjectDNA extraction
dc.subjectColony counting
dc.titlePrevalence of bacterial contamination in raw milk sold in Kalerwe and Kasubi markets and molecular identification of the bacterial strainsen_US

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