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dc.contributor.authorNabyonga, Christine Mutebi
dc.identifier.citationMurador, D.C., da Cunha, D.T and de Rosso, V.V (2014). Effects of cooking techniques on vegetable pigments: a meta-analytic approach to carotenoid and anthocyanin levels. Food Research International 65: 177-183en_US
dc.description.abstractCooking makes food edible and delicious, preserves its nutritional qualities, gives it new flavor, fragrances and colour (Sissi et al., 2008). It also guarantees food safety in terms of hygiene, by eliminating or reducing heat-sensitive microorganisms. However, cooking methods can have a detrimental effect on the nutrient composition and sensory qualities of foods, including vegetables (Bernhardt and Schlich, 2006). Iron requirements are important during the various growth phases and are higher in menstruating women because of the monthly blood loses according to Abbaspour (2014). Beta-carotenes are the precursors of vitamin A (retinol), an essential nutrient needed in small amounts by humans for the normal functioning of the visual system. (Lora, 2011). Amaranthus blitum L is a good source of beta-carotene and iron especially for children depending on the calculated values of my samples. It is important to select the right cooking method to maximize the nutritional quality of your meal. This study was aimed at revealing the nutritional levels of iron and beta-carotene content for the Amaranthus blitum L and how these levels are affected by steaming, boiling and stir-frying the amaranth.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectNutritional statusen_US
dc.subjectIron contenten_US
dc.subjectβ-Carotene contenten_US
dc.subjectAmaranthus blitum L.en_US
dc.titleEffect of different preparation methods on iron and β-Carotene content in amaranthus blitum L.en_US

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