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dc.contributor.authorBikufa, Flavia
dc.identifier.citationBikufa, F. (2019). Effects of hospitality training on the performance of hospitality students at Crested Crane Hotel. Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe problem that this study examined is that despite the increasing effects of hospitality training of students on hotels, the industry players have noted that those who graduate from training institutions still have inadequacies in terms of skills required to meet the workplace challenges. This concern exists in spite of the additional training they get through internships that supplement theoretical training. This calls for a study to understand the underlying causes of such continued under performance focusing on crested crane crested crane hotel institution. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine training methods used and the impacts on the students, to determine factors responsible for performance of hospitality students at Crested Crane Training Institute, to examine the benefits obtained by hospitality students who train at the institute and lastly to assess the challenges faced by hospitality students during training at the institute. The study was conducted at crested crane hotel institution located in Jinja. Data were collected using both open and closed end questioners and total of 70 respondents involving both students and lecturers were involved in the study. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software and those of interviews were studied and interpret then transcribed into text. Results showed that are different training methods used by the crested crane hotel institute in training students such as offering lectures, on job training and group discussion and all these methods have improved knowledge and skills of hospitality students, improved self-confidence and ensuring total hygiene of students. The study further found that there different factors that determine performance of hospitality students and most common ones were teaching methods to students, the quality of lecture and employees and the quality of the environment. Students were in agreement that training has led to as acquisition of knowledge and skills as result of training, and offered an opportunity for career development. However reasonable numbers of students didn‟t know whether training has increased responsibility and decision making among the students. The results further indicated that like any other training institution, Students of hospitality at crested crane hotel are affected by late coming of lecturers, expensive in terms of fees/tuition, laziness among the lecturers and congestion in class rooms and thus from these findings, the study recommends that lecturers should be made aware of their roles in the success of their wards/students as it was revealed that lectures come late for lectures, necessary facilities in term of education facilities on campus and serene environment should be provided for students by relevant authorities as this will enhance students‟ concentration and lastly a manageable size should be considered during admission into institutions, so as to maintain a reasonable lecturer/student ratio as well as to avoid congestion.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectHospitality trainingen_US
dc.subjectCrested Crane Hotelen_US
dc.titleEffects of hospitality training on the performance of hospitality students at Crested Crane Hotelen_US

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