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dc.contributor.authorKibirige, Ronald
dc.descriptionA special research report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Dairy Industry and Business of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe dairy industry in Uganda contributes to about 9% of the country’s GDP and the dairy sector contributes to the nutritional, economic and employment opportunities of the rural communities with dairy farming being a major activity in the south western, Central and Northern parts of the country. The aim of the study was determining the factors that lead to low milk production in Matete county, Sembabule disrict. During this survey ,data was collected using questionaires and observations . The main factors that lead to low milk production in Matete county were poor milking hygiene, poor feeding, increase in mastitis levels, poor management, foorot. The extent of milk drop in Sembabule district, Matete county was 31.1% .en_US
dc.titleDetermining the factors that lead to low milk production in dairy animals in Matete County, Sembabule Districten_US

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