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dc.contributor.authorMugala, Lydia Sharon
dc.identifier.citationMugala, L.S. (2019). Determinants of Watermelon Production across Small Scale Farmers in Kityerera Sub-County, Mayuge District. Undergraduate dissertation. Makerere Universityen_US
dc.descriptionA special project submitted to the Department of Agribusiness and Natural Resource Economics as a requirement for the award of a bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness Management of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study was carried out to examine the determinants of watermelon production across small scale farmers in Kityerera sub county, Mayuge district with the objectives being to establish the social and demographic characteristics of watermelon small scale farmers, to determine the factors affecting watermelon production among small scale farmers and to determine the gross margins of small scale farmers in Kityerera sub-county Mayuge district. Primary data using structured questionnaires was collected from 80 farmers growing watermelon using Random sampling as a sampling technique. Also some secondary data was used from written literature like textbooks, journals among others. The data obtained was analyzed using SPSS for descriptive statistics, frequencies and linear regression among others. Data was presented inform of tables and figures for easy interpretation and generation of findings and conclusions. Results indicated that most of the farmers are youth and are capable of adopting new innovations, most of them were of a male gender married and with no academic qualification that dominated the watermelon production in the study area. Also most of farmers on average earn 5 million and the average gross margin was 88.94% implying that the costs of production were viable because they give higher returns.Also land size, education level, revenue earned were positive and significantly related to the quantity of watermelon produced while total input costs and age of the respondents were insignificant for the study. Regular spraying, provision of credit facilities to the rural farmers, formation of cooperatives and provision of subsidies to farmers were some of the recommendations for profitable watermelon production in the studyen_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectWatermelon Productionen_US
dc.subjectSmall Scale Farmersen_US
dc.subjectKityerera Sub-Countyen_US
dc.titleDeterminants of Watermelon Production across Small Scale Farmers in Kityerera Sub-County, Mayuge Districten_US

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