Appraisal of road pavement distresses along Namanve - Bweyogerere road section.
One of the challenges faced by agencies responsible for the development, construction, and maintenance of these roads is the constantly increasing traffic volumes (estimated at 6%). Among the busiest and most congested roads in Uganda is the Kampala – Jinja Highway. When these roads are exposed to destructive climate and traffic loading, the pavements deteriorate faster resulting in poor road conditions during the time in which the road is in service, especially when maintenance interventions are not duly scheduled.
This research was conducted to investigate the pavement distresses on Namanve – Bweyogerere road section and establish the extent to which the defects have contributed to road deterioration. This was determined by carrying out visual surveys and dynamic cone penetrometer tests in order to determine treatment and maintenance measures for the pavement. For the pavement rating, the accuracy in distress identification and pavement condition assessment is linked to a good mandatory understanding of distress identification in urban roads since the assessment is always based on a subjective judgment.
The results from this research showed that the road pavement section is in poor condition. The data segments classified determine the possible ways of mitigating the causes and effects of the road deterioration. The analysis summarized can address design and planning starting from the information needed in the Pavement Management Systems. Lack of detailed information and permission required in assessment of pavement distresses for example, through coring, affected the study due to the expenses involved in repair. Therefore these results should contribute to improvement in routine maintenance and periodic subgrade evaluation of the pavement.