Assessing the extent to which Site Lay Out affects Concrete Productivity on Construction Sites.
The construction industry is one of the largest sectors in the world contributing up to $10 trillion in construction-related spending globally. The sector employs 7 percent of the world’s working population (Mackenzie, 2017).However quite specifically to Uganda, the construction industry contributes over 12% of Uganda’s gross domestic product(GDP) and has witnessed steady growth for the last 20years despite recent upsurge in inflation , the sector has remained on a steady path of growth and development (Uganda National Commission for UNESCO,2003).
According to Mcknenzy(2014) , while other industries have become more efficient and productive , construction has remained stagnant with a growth rate of only 1% for the past 20 years unlike manufacturing with 3.2% growth rate in the same time period; with an average of 90% of projects world-wide characterised by either being late or over budget. This clearly shows that there is a productivity problem.