Fusion of culture through furniture
The study was set analysing the increasing fusion of African and western culture through materials by furniture makers guided by the principles and elements of arts and design.
It was guided by the objectives in chapter one which include Describing and accounting for the presence of hybrid furniture, To identify the links of African design in the furniture works,
Establishment of the current designs of furniture in the market
The report has chapter four which is composed of the literature review and this study is mostly indicating the reviews, articles and references of different people about the analysing the increasing fusion of African and western culture through materials by furniture makers guided by the principles and elements of arts and design.
Its’ data was collected by the use of questionnaire, focus groups and interview guide. Both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies were used. The research was conducted in Nsambya at the furniture makers plus the furniture users.
In conclusion, the research was made to show the fusion of culture through furniture.