Assessment of the factors affecting effective utilization of electronic learning services in Makerere University: a case study of School of Statistics and Planning.
The major objective of the study was to assess the factors affecting effective utilization of e-learning services at the school of statistics and planning in Makerere University. Effective e-learning usage is the goal of most Students and Universities due to the benefits of blended learning but it’s hard to achieve because it is affected by a number of factors both directly and indirectly.
The study however focused on four major factors namely; technological barriers(for example internet speed and computer literacy), individual barriers( perspective towards e-learning), demographic factors(age, sex residence and course offered) and organizational factors(efforts in training students on e-learning usage). Data from a sample of 109 students at SSP was analyzed and it was discovered that only 19.27% were effectively utilizing the e-learning services. Findings showed that most of the students did not receive relevant training on e-learning usage from the university and also lecturers were not good in time management during on-line lectures or assessments.
More generally, it was found out that all the above factors influence effective utilization of e-learning services.
Proper training of both staff and students, widening internet coverage, ensuring time management by lecturers, and offering of data allowances to students should be put in place by the university in order to promote effective utilization of e-learning services at the school of statistics and planning.