An investigation into the factor that cause traffic congestion in Wakiso District and its impacts on traffic flow: a case study of Masitowa and Yesuamala.
This study was conducted in order to identify the factors that cause traffic congestion in Nansana Municipality and its impact on traffic flow. Some of the objectives that we derived from the study were to find out the causes of traffic congestion, its impacts on traffic flow, measures being taken currently and generating strategies to manage the traffic. Moreover, various methods of data collection such as in-depth interview, administered questionnaires and documentary review were applied. Simple random sampling was adopted to select respondents from which data was collected. The findings showed that traffic congestion exists and it is a major problem to the commuters along Kampala Hoima High way around Masitowa and Yesuamala. According to the study, 53.1% of the respondents spend 45 minutes in traffic congestion in the morning hours and 1 or more hours in the evening on the road. Some of the factors that cause traffic congestion were said to be poor and narrow road, increased number of cars in the residential areas along the road high population growth rate and location of many activities along thew road like parking, shops, markets and car parking with inadequate parking facilities as well as the poorly designed junctions on the amin road.
On the other hand, traffic congestion was found to have the following impacts on the traffic flow. These include easy spread of diseases such as airborne diseases, fainting, fatal accidents, theft and traffic delays just to mention but a few. At family level, traffic congestion has led to misunderstandings among family members, separation and divorce due to lack of time for parents to be with their children, at community level, traffic congestion contributes to poor relations amongst communities due to lack of time to participate in social affairs, reduced visitations and late arrival at work. In order to eliminate traffic congestion along Kampala Hoima High way around Masitowa and Yesuamala, the following recommendations were made such as improving the current infrastructure like providing flyovers, relocation of markets provision for parking establishment of other means of transport such as train and encourage use of public transport.
This study was presented in five chapters one covered introduction of the study, chapter two, literature review, chapter three, research methodology, chapter four, presentation and discussion of the research findings and chapter five, the conclusion and recommendations.