Role of small scale enterprises in provision of employment opportunities in Uganda. Case Study: Nansana Town Council
The major purpose of the study was to examine the nature of SSEs that provide employment to the labor force in Nansana Town Council- Wakiso District. The study adopted a descriptive
survey design and data was collected using a questionnaire administered to two hundred and
forty six respondents randomly selected from Nine hundred and eighty four people who own and run small scale enterprises (SSEs) in Nansana town council.
The study showed that majority of the small scale businesses in the area of study are involved in the tied shop business with a higher percentage of 63.3% compared to 17.1% in the market place business, 6.3% in the hawking business, and 7.5% in the street retailing. From the results indicated in the table, it showed that 46.7% of the business entrepreneurs arc Degree holders, 39.2% are Secondary certificate holders as 5.8% are Diploma holders compared to 5% with no education and 3.3% at Primary level of education. According to the analysis it is showed therefore that the level of education is positively related to the growth potential of business. The findings also went ahead to show that there are more males than females in SSEs. This is so because the males have a greater share of 62.1% as regards the ownership of the business compared to women. This implies that most of the Small-Scale businesses are operated by men for purposes of supplementing on their incomes to enable them sustain an improved standard of living.
The study also made efforts to find out the most encountered challenges that are faced by employees in SSEs and they include the following: Poor infrastructure, Financial problems both access and management, improper business feasibility, Lack of management skills, Poor
education background, Poor marketing strategy, and lastly but not the least increasing competition from large firms. From the above therefore, small scale businesses need to employ professionals to manage well their businesses this will improve on their performance since these will establish and strengthen the internal controls as regards financial resources. It is through this that small businesses whose startup capital is based on own savings will easily access financial institutions for loans to enhance their business operations towards employment provision.