The challenges faced by Nyanza Textile Industry and why it is not well commercially firmed.
This research was conducted with the goal to investigate the challenges faced by Nyanza textile industry limited and why it is not well commercially firmed. It was based on the following objectives; To establish why Nyanza textile industry is not well commercially firmed, to find out the causes of low quality of manufactured products and poor transport system, to find out solutions for the problems faced by the industry. The textile industry faces high competition as well as opportunities more so with other industries that produce that same product.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the causes of the problems facing of Nyanza textile industry. The study discussed the review of related literature based to the area of study.
It was baes on research objectives and research questions. The research methodology employed in the study was qualitative data. This was because it enabled the researcher obtain information from the subject under investigation. The sample selections were carried out on the number of workers in the industry, data analysis using written data.
The research was also presented using findings and graphic images that were discussed basing on the study findings. The research also found out that most industries, companies, business owners have the potential to run successful business but most of them do not know how to take care of finances.
The study also revealed that most of the company tracks, vehicles being used in transportation of goods to distribution areas are old with noisy engines and some are not in good condition because of the poor maintenance.