Trends in abstract painting by students: a case study of Margaret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Arts
The study is about the trends in abstract paintings by students at MTSJFA. The study was guided by the fo llow ing objectives;
1. To discover the reasons underlying the students' expression of interest in·abstract
11. To determine the creative ability of students in executing abstract painting.
111. To establish the challenges affecting the students' performance in abstract paintin g.
The study used an explanatory research design with both qualitative and quantitative method s. The samples consisted of lecturers and stude nts. Data was collecte d using interview guides. It was analyzed using themes which were identified.
The research study established and concluded that the trend of painting was mainly abstract at MTSIFA.
The study also established and concluded that students had inadequate knowledge about abstract art painting since majority thought that abstract was all about distortion of the images to come up with compositions.
The study further established and concluded that majority of the students were inspired by lecturers to adopt abstract painting at MTSIFA. Thus, a combination of the analysis above proves right the statement that the trend of painting was mainly abstract at MTSIFA.
The research study therefore recommends that students should read and find out more on the techniq ues of abstract painting and should make sure that the concept of the theory is put into practice; they should also change their poor attitude towards the subject. This will allo w them produce good works hence improving their performance.