Causes of poor traffic flow along Burton street and Ben Kiwanuka road in Kampala city.
The study examined causes of poor traffic flow along Ben kiwanuka road and Burton street in Kampala city. It identified the major causes of traffic congestion, examined the major effects of traffic control along Ben Kiwanuka and Burton street to the people and the environment, it furthers defined solutions to overcome traffic congestion in in the study area and Kampala at large
The study involved a review of literature on traffic congestion in cities. administered questionnaires to gather data from Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) members, traffic officers, and the dominant community members in the area for example taxi drivers, vendors among others. It also employed observation, photography, measurements, interview and field survey and mapping to solicit knowledge, opinions and experience in order to draw conclusions. The study revealed causes, effects and effects of traffic congestion a long Ben Kiwanuka road and Burton street.