An investigative study on price determination visa vie the sale rates of painting exhibited in galleries around Kampala.
Art is priceless, but paintings, and other art objects, have been sold in galleries and on markets for a long period of time thus the question, “How do prices for art with paintings in particular come into being within art galleries around Kampala?” The study investigated price determination visa vie the sale rates of paintings exhibited in the Art Galleries around Kampala. This report shows the chapter 1 of the study containing; back ground, the statement of the problem, the purpose, the objectives, the research questions the scope and the significances of the study, chapter 2 with the reviewed literature on the study, chapter 3 of the methodology showing the methods that were used in obtaining, analysing and laying down foundation relating to the problem. It explains why it is the most appropriate methodology to effectively answer the research question, it gives information about the research design that was adopted by the researcher, and it consists of the study of the research design, area of population of study, sample selection, data collection methods, data analysis and the expected limitations. Chapter 4 presenting, analysing and discussing findings of data collected and finally chapter 5, with conclusive remarks and recommendation to other researchers within the field of study.