The role of the pentecostal church in nurturing youth talents at Mityana miracle centre in Kigwogwa, Mityana municipality.
This study addressed the role of the Pentecostal church in nurturing youth talents at Mityana Miracle Centre in Kigoogwa area through Music, Dance and Drama. Nurturing was done by organizing Christmas and Easter festivals for the youth featuring Music, Dance, and Drama hence acquiring skills for a better life.
The researcher carried out a qualitative study whereby during field work, data was gathered through conducting interviews, Auto ethnography, use of internet to gather various information concerning the current study, documentary analysis, literature review, as well as participant observation that involved nurturing of youth talents and many others.
The research established that youth in Kigoogwa area have benefitted a lot from the project conducted by the church in nurturing since findings show that there are many youths that need to be supported, in order to develop their talents through which they can earn a living. Youths who have participated in the festivals have achieved high levels of success, compared to where they were before participating in the festivals especially in the Music, Dance and Drama sectors. Some have become artists, and are now performing on stage, recording songs, and shooting videos of their own songs, while others have acquired skills in music, dance, and drama.
Among the recommendations, the researcher notes that other researchers should also go beyond what this study has managed to do and find out about nurturing of talents not only of the youths in Mityana, but also in other regions of Uganda. More efforts should be put in nurturing talents, particularly in music since this study proved that many have earned a living from their talents. Musicians in Ugandan industry should support upcoming artists as they strive to be somewhere in future. This creates a network among them and also a mentorship process.