Assessment of fruit fly pest and anthracnose disease of mangoes in Koboko District
The study was conducted in six sub-counties of Koboko district on the new mango agro- enterprise with keen focus on farmers’ knowledge and perceptions on fruit fly pest and
anthracnose disease control and agronomic practices. The study aimed at assessing the incidence and severity of fruit fly pest and anthracnose disease in Koboko district. Only 46 respondents were sampled for the study in six sub – counties of Koboko.
The sample was mainly dominated by males and compared to females of 72% and 28% respectively. The chi square test results found high fruit fly incidence 35.5% (<0.000) and severity 43.5% (<0.000) respectively. Similarly, the study also established significant rate and severity of anthracnose disease with 14.5.% % (<0.151) and 19.8% % (<0.019). Lobule sub- county was the most affected by fruit fly pest and anthracnose disease as compared to other sub- counties. It was also found out that only 30% of the respondents were aware of the fruit fly pest and anthracnose disease in the study area.
It was also discovered that only 13% of the respondents were able to differentiate between fruit fly pest and other pests like termites and caterpillars. Similarly, 11% were able to distinguish anthracnose disease from other disease that affect mango production. 41% of the respondents had
knowledge on fruit fly pest control and only 33% of them applied chemicals to spray their
orchards, bury rotten fruits and prune infected branches to control the spread of diseases.
However, the study results still revealed low knowledge levels on fruit fly pest and anthracnose disease identification, symptoms and control mechanisms, poor agronomic management practices. Therefore, the study recommends continuous farmer education and capacity strengthening interventions to enhance farmers and institutions knowledge on sustainable scientific fruit fly pest and anthracnose disease control and orchard management practices