Assessment of the awareness of the existence and use of building sustainability rating tools in the construction industry; case of Uganda.
Building sustainability rating tools are systems that direct the planning and decision-making
processes towards achieving sustainable development (Edum & Price, 2009). They are intended
to measure objectively a project’s impact in sustainability terms and so encourage designers and
planners to improve a building’s performance (Husam & Kirk, 2012). A problem of high rate of
industrialisation that has resulted in to activities that have led to accumulation of air pollution and
toxic gases in addition to construction related accidents that have claimed many lives in Uganda
(Susan, 2019) thus adoption of a building sustainability rating tool would improve sustainability
development. Data was collected using questionnaire approach and administered to ninety-one
respondents. These were registered professionals who influence sustainability on construction
project and these are; Architects, Quantity Surveyors, Civil engineers and Environmentalists. Data
was analysed using Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS V20 software and findings showed that
respondents deem building sustainability rating tools important for assessing performance of
buildings. It was revealed that despite the fact that no building sustainability rating tool has been
developed in Uganda, it did not prevent participants from becoming aware of the existence of
building sustainability rating tools and acquiring knowledge through other means. Participants
preferred CASBEE building sustainability rating tool to be adopted in construction projects in the
country. However, the tool has to be driven by Government or Government can also develop a
body with a major aim of sustainability development in construction whereby this body will adopt
CASBEE building sustainability rating tool, pick a leaf and develop CASBEE on parameters of
this locality.