A survey on the usage of digital photography in Kampala district.
Photography originates from way back to a time of almost 200 years. A photograph
was first made from a box that took blurry pictures, which later advanced to hightech mini computers found in today’s DSLRs and smartphones.
The art of photography was invented in 1830s and became recognized 30 years
later, however the basic concept of photography has been around since the 5TH
century. The art of image production was later invented by an Iraqi scientist around
the 13th and 14th century by developing something called camera obscura which is
Latin to mean dark room. This camera didn’t record images, it simply projected
them onto another surface. There is however a manuscript about an Arabian
scholar Hassan bin Hassan that goes back to the 10th century that describes the
principles on which the camera obscura operates onto which analog photography
is based today. Camera obscura was a dark closed space in the shape of a box with
one hole on one side, the hole had to be small enough but proportional to the box
to make the camera work properly