Students’ attitude towards e-learning: case study of BBS year 2
This study was to establish the students’ attitude towards E-learning, case of Bachelor’s Degree in Science of Business Statistics, year two. The study was guided by the following research objectives; to investigate whether students’ sex is associated with attitude towards E-learning, to find out predictors of positive attitude towards E-learning, to establish association of factors and the attitude towards E-learning. The study applied both qualitative and quantitative research design where questionnaires where used. Data was collected was from a primary source. Data was processed and analyzed using Univariate, bivariate, multivariate data analysis to find the relation between students’ attitude and other factors, a total of 31 respondents were considered out of the entire population of BBS YR 2 class. In conclusion, teachers have to adopt strategies to change the negative attitudes towards e learning by introducing further e-learning courses in lower study years and promote students to use the internet in their education and communication with their teachers and their colleagues.