Comprehending of road signages by boda boda riders in Wandegeya, Kampala, Uganda.
The comprehension of road signages by boda boda riders in Wandegeya, Kampala, Uganda is only understood by a few of them. The majority of the boda boda riders around that place said that most of the road signages are not easily observed, they confuse them with other similar related signages, they also say that boda boda road signages don’t exist around Wandegeya. And so other boda boda riders say that they have no knowledge about them and so they just buy the motorcycles and begin their business of riding without any knowledge about them.
The minority try to understand them though they sometimes confuse them with other related signages which causes a lot of accidents around Wandegeya and the majority that take that action are males because they dominate that occupation national wide. To a larger extent, a few females who ride motorcycles tend to follow and understand road signages though they are few. In this research I have established the boda boda riders how they should understand road signages, to make sure that they are easily seen by road users and not to confuse them.
The main study of the research is to know whether the boda boda riders understand road signages around Wandegeya, Kampala and methods to be using while collecting data from them like the questionnaire method, focus group discussion, systematic and convenience. Instruments include; interview, tests, surveys or checklists.