dc.description.abstract | Numerous studies have concerned themselves currently with reducing the rate of school dropout but leaving out other important factors and this has implied limited impact of interventions fronted to reduce the increased school dropout of pupils, so there is need for studies and intervention to look deeply into both household and school related factors as well as community factors. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to get an in depth understanding of the factors associated with the increased school dropouts of pupils in public primary schools in Uganda. This study was motivated by the fact that although Uganda was one of the first African countries to introduce Universal Primary Education (UPE) in 1997, it is still faced with a number of challenges including increased school dropout rates and non- attendance among others.
Assessment was done using the multinomial logistic regression model and secondary data from Uwezo Uganda National Learning Assessment 2021 survey. Children aged 4-16 were assessed based on their household setting and supplementary data obtained through related surveys of their households, local communities and selected local schools where majority of the children in the community were enrolled. Using secondary data and employing Microsoft word and STATA software package, the study examined the effect of school related factors and non- school related factors on the likelihood of a school- going age child dropping out of school. The sampling procedure made use of the framework of the 2014 Uganda Population and Housing Census, but also took into account the creation of new districts and city units making a national total of 146 districts.
The analysis was done using marginal effects after estimating the multinomial logistic regression model where the study factors revealed that the main factors associated with school dropouts in Uganda are; the gender of the pupil, household education level, pre- school attendance, main source of household income, number of female children in the household and school type. The study recommended focusing on pupil retention, parent sensitization regarding the merits of formal education and the need to promote mandatory pre-school education where children’s reading, writing and numeracy can be nurtured at an early age. There is need to explore further the effect of other school and non-school related factors that could influence school dropout directly or indirectly or interactively with school factors. | en_US |