Determining the factors that influence gender based violence in Karamoja Region
The study was to assess the factors that influence gender-based violence in Karamoja region in Uganda. It was conducted in order to mainly focus and promote gender equality to marginalized communities and women through mainstream thus contribute to gender-based violence reduction. Gender based violence is a worldwide public problem which cuts across all ages, classes, culture and nationalities. The determinants occur at individual, community and societal levels within all social, economic, religious and cultural groups. The evaluation employed secondary data collection. Data was collected from Uganda Bureau of Statistics; analysis was done using UDHS 2016 data which collected information from 576 individuals in the Karamoja region of the age group (18-80). The analysis of the study was done in three different levels, univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The univariate analysis was used to examine the frequency occurrence of GBV, the bivariate to measure the association of each factor against GBV was done using Chi-square tests of association. Thirdly predictors of GBV were found using logistic regression model. Data entry, analysis and model fitting was done using STATA (version15).
The result showed that 57.91% of individuals in Karamoja region experienced GBV. The factors found to be associated with GBV are as follows; type of residence, marital status, district of residence, education and level of income. It was concluded that participants are aware of services provided by the programs however, socio-cultural, economic and related factors influence gender based among women. It is recommended that institutions should facilitate a policy dialogue on the socio, health and economic consequences of Gender Based Violence on sustainable development of society as a whole.