Analyzing the Impacts of Soil Erosion on Food Security in Kamwezi sub-county in Rukiga District.
The study aimed at soil erosion and its effects on food security in western Uganda with a case study Kamwezi sub-county, and it was guided by the following objectives; To characterize the nature of soil erosion in Kamwezi sub-county Rukiga district , To assess community perceptions about the status of food security in Kamwezi sub-county Rukiga district , To investigate the relationship between soil erosion and food security in Kamwezi sub-county Rukiga district. In addition the research used a cross-section design while deploying a mixed methods approach and a total of 110 respondents were selected from two parishes in Kamwezi that is Kyogo and Kigara.According to the study, various impacts of soil erosion on food security affects significant percentage of households in Kamwezi sub-county ,Rukiga district which resulted into food shortages among community members. The perceived threat of soil erosion on food security in the study area was anticipated, and more and more areas of Uganda are experiencing soil erosion that result in crop failure and fatalities. A cross-section design and a mixed methods approach that includes both qualitative and quantitative methods. In addition, a purposive sampling technique was used to select participants who are affected by impacts of soil erosion on food security in Kamwezi Sub County and data were gathered at the household and community levels through focus groups, key informant interviews, observation and household questionnaire surveys.To effectively plan for achievement of sustainable development goal 2 (Zero Hunger), Efforts to address this issue include the implementing erosion control measures and promoting sustainable an agricultural practices such as crop rotation and reforestation to improve food security.