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dc.contributor.authorOyella, Dorcus
dc.descriptionGovernment of Ugandaen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study on assessment of mabira forest‟s attractiveness as an ecotourism destination examines the different factors responsible for visitors/tourists visiting Mabira forest reserve and also shows which factors attracts visitors most to Mabira and also those responsible for chasing them away. The study also examines the management of Mabira forest in Uganda as an ecotourism destination, focusing on the challenges, opportunities, and best practices for promoting sustainable forest management, biodiversity conservation, and eco-friendly tourism activities. While using an explorative research design, simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were used to sample 138 respondents and semi-structured interviews used to collect. The results indicate the importance of balancing conservation objectives with local livelihoods, the existence of challenges such as encroachment, limited resources, corruption, climate change impacts, and human-wildlife conflicts that threaten the sustainability of the forest, and the need for enhanced stakeholder collaboration and community participation in decision-making processes. It is concluded that, the management of Mabira Forest as an ecotourism destination requires a comprehensive approach that balances conservation objectives with local livelihoods, addresses challenges such as encroachment, limited resources, corruption, climate change impacts, human-wildlife conflicts, and limited public awareness, and promotes sustainable forest management practices and responsible ecotourism activities. The study‟s recommendations based on the significance of promoting sustainable forest management practices, raising public awareness about the forest's ecological and cultural values, and implementing integrated strategies that combine conservation efforts with responsible ecotourism activities.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere universityen_US
dc.subjectMabira foresten_US
dc.subjectEcotourism destinationen_US
dc.titleAssessment of Mabira forest's attractiveness as an ecotourism destinationen_US

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