Examining the relationship between HIV and cancer: A case study of Uganda Cancer Institute in Mulago
The study was intended to examine the relationship between HIV and cancer, case study being the Uganda Cancer Institute. The purpose of the study is to sensitize the public about the risk factors of cancer, the way in which HIV can be contracted, the relationship between HIV and cancer, to describe the demographics of the patients diagnosed with cancer and are HIV positive, and to establish which cancers are more related to HIV than others. Methodology includes use of questionnaires and interviews. The sample size was 94 respondents. Out of these, 89 responded, giving a response rate of 94.68%.. Among these, 58.43% were male, and the remaining 41.57% were female. Data was collected and captured in Epi data, processed and analyzed using stata, and then conclusions and recommendations were made. The study-examined the age of the respondents, their gender, their level of education, their residence, monthly income, number of dependants, number of sexual partners, circumcision status, their HIV status, their CD4 count, and rating at diagnosis of HIV, and at diagnosis of cancer. The findings revealed that there is no direct relationship between HIV and cancer, however, the researcher recommended that further research should be done to examine if there exists a definite relationship between specific cancers like cervical cancer, and HIV.