A computerized records management system case study: African children’s mission
Records are defined as ‘Information created, received and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of businesses. This information can be collected from a single item or a group of items. Therefore, the process of records management is tiresome, and complex hence there is need for a Computerized system that will reduce the complexity and increase efficiency of the records keeping in the organisation. This project entails the analysis, design and implementation of a computerized Records Management System for African Children’s Mission (ACM) East African that was designed using Java with Java NetBeans as the design environment and SQLite as the database that implements most of the SQL standard, using a dynamically and weakly typed SQL syntax.
This Computerised System is used by the ACM employees by logging in using their Username and Password. The User can then register a new student or pupil by capturing all the information about them including their photo, record item given out to the sponsored students, Register employee, and sponsor, Record activity day details. While using this system, the User can view tables of entered information say all student, records of books, pens and pencils given out, summary information of schools and can print the desired information on a hard copy.