Factors Influencing Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening and Testing among Makerere University Students at School of Statistics and Planning
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women. It is the leading cause of
deaths among women worldwide. It is estimated that 493000 new cases and 274000 deaths occur
every year due to this preventable disease (Ferlay et al, 2002). Though it has high mortality there
is a potential of preventing it when detection is done early. This study sought to establish the
factors influencing the uptake of cervical cancer screening in Makerere University Students
County. The objectives of study were: To find out the relationship between social cultural factors
and uptake of cervical cancer screening, To find out the relationship between economic factors
and uptake of cervical cancer screening, To find out the measures to help increase the uptake of
cervical cancer screening.
The study adopted A mixed approach survey design will be conducted to facilitate a broad
understanding of knowledge and women‘s perception, social cultural and economic factors that
hinder the uptake of cervical cancer screening among women. (Grimes, 2002). The sample of the
study was 346 female respondents got from the kranjene and Morgan table 1970 and data was
analyzed using SPSS.
Basing on the objectives of the study, it was found significance relationship show significance
between Social economic status and uptake of cancer screening (p-value <0.05). Results from
the study show that majority of the respondents agreed that Increase awareness about cancer
screening (50.7%), that providing free cancer screening services can increase uptake of cancer
screening involving parents and guardians in encouraging their children in taking screening can
improve that uptake of cancer screening (51.%).
Results also showed that social factors had no significant relationship with uptake of cervical
cancer screening uptake and testing were by p-value<0.05
The study recommended that, health institutions should establish clear guidelines on screening
for cervical cancer, such as making it one of the routines for women of child bearing age and as
such providing the necessary equipment for the procedure to all the different units and also
training workers on the skills. More information, education and communication materials like
picto-pamphlets should be made available and distributed at strategic centers were women are
and can be found.